CirceR 1.3.3

Update circe to v1.11.2 Update Site documentation. Make codebase CRAN-compliant.

CirceR 1.3.2

Update circe to v1.11.2 Update Site documentation.

CirceR 1.3.1

Update circe to v1.11.1 Update maven-clean-plugin from 3.1.0 to 3.3.1

CirceR 1.3.0

Introduced new function buildConceptSetQuery() and conceptSetExpressionFromJson to generate concept set queries from a concept set expression.

CirceR 1.2.1

Updated to Circe v1.10.1

CirceR 1.2.0

Updated to Circe v1.10.0

CirceR 1.1.1

Bug Fixes: - Updated to Circe v1.6.4 to incorporate new fixes.

CirceR 1.1.0

New Features: - Allows passing raw JSON to the buildCohortQuery() function.

CirceR 1.0.0

Initial version of the Circe R wrapper, wrapping version 1.9.0 of CIRCE. - Includes functions for generating SQL and Markdown for a given cohort expression.