Commercial and Residential Buildings JSON-LD

Tian Wang, Scott Maurer, Roger H. French


Commercial and Residential Buildings JSON-LD Description

The commercial and residential JSON-LD template is designed based on BuildingSync Schema and Building Energy Data Exchange Specification (BEDES) Dictionary.

It defines several key meta information like climate zone, building location and size for building energy efficiency research.

Creating JSON-LD for Commercial and Residential Buildings in R


# Create R data frame for commercial and residential buildings
bldg_data <- data.frame(
  "PremisesName" = c("bldg 680", "bldg 686", "bldg 352"),
  "OperatorType" = "Food Sales",
  "Longitude" = c(-75.27, -76.88, -78.52),
  "Latitude" = c(40.68, 41.17, 40.00),
  "City" = c("Easton",       "Montgomery",   "Bedford"),
  "County" = c("Northampton", "Lycoming",    "Bedford"),
  "State" = "PA",
  "PostalCode" = c(18045, 17752, 15522),
  "ASHRAE" = "5A",
  "KoppenClimate" = c("Dfa", "Dfa", "Cfa"),
  "FloorAreaPercentage" = 0.88,
  "FloorAreaValue" = c(6077, 4913, 5333),
  "OverallWindowToWallRatio" = 0.22,
  "ConditionedFloorsAboveGrade" = 1

# This will generate JSON-LD file for the example data in R
output <- fairify_data(bldg_data, domain = 'building')

Creating JSON-LD for Commercial and Residential Buildings in Python

from fairmaterials.fairify_data import *
import pandas as pd

# create python data frame for commercial and residential buildings
data = {'PremisesName':['bldg 680', 'bldg 686', 'bldg 352'],
        'OperatorType':['Food Sales', 'Food Sales', 'Food Sales'],
        'Longitude':[-75.27, -76.88, -78.52],
        'Latitude':[40.68, 41.17, 40.00],
        'City':['Easton',       'Montgomery',   'Bedford'],
        'County':['Northampton', 'Lycoming',    'Bedford'],
        'State':['PA', 'PA', 'PA'],
        'PostalCode':[18045, 17752, 15522],
        'ASHRAE':['5A', '5A', '5A'],
        'KoppenClimate':['Dfa', 'Dfa', 'Cfa'],
        'FloorAreaPercentage':[0.88, 0.88, 0.88],
        'FloorAreaValue':[6077, 4913, 5333],
        'OverallWindowToWallRatio':[0.22, 0.22, 0.22],
        'ConditionedFloorsAboveGrade':[1, 1, 1]

bldg_data = pd.DataFrame(data)

# This will generate JSON-LD file for the example data in Python

Commercial and Residential Buildings schema diagram

 Commercial and Residential Buildings schema diagram

Commercial and Residential Buildings schema diagram


This data is supported by the US Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPAE-E) : [DE-AR000125].