X-Ray Diffraction JSON-LD

Weiqi Yue, Pawan K. Tripathi, Roger H. French


XRD JSON-LD Description

The XRD JSON-LD template is designed based on the patterns collected and the experimental settings. The patterns are captured as images with associated metadata that contain storing information. The experimental settings are typically classified according to beam line characteristics, detector characteristics, and sample attributes, while other metadata are organized into additional categories.

A more detailed structure is illustrated in the schema diagram.

Creating JSON-LD for XRD in R


# Create R data frame for xrd
xrd_data <- data.frame(
  'said' = c('Ce02-lpa', 'CeO2-Atex'),
  'indx"' = c(52, 53),
  'img_stck' = c(12, 15),
  'beamnrgy' = c(69.525, 69.525),
  'wavelngt' = c(0.1783, 0.1783)

# This will generate JSON-LD file for the example data in R
output <- fairify_data(xrd_data, domain = 'XRD')

Creating JSON-LD for XRD in Python

from fairmaterials.fairify_data import *
import pandas as pd

# create python data frame for xrd
data = {'said':['Ce02-lpa','Ce02-Atex'],
        'beamnrgy':[69.525, 69.525],
        'wavelngt':[0.1783, 0.1783]

xrd_data = pd.DataFrame(data)

# This will generate JSON-LD file for the example data in Python

XRD schema diagram

Schema diagram for XRD

Schema diagram for XRD


This material is supported by the Department of Energy (DOE) - National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA): [DOE-NNSA-B6477887].