diffcor: Fisher's z-Tests Concerning Difference of Correlations

Computations of Fisher's z-tests concerning different kinds of correlation differences. Additionally, approaches to estimating statistical power via Monte Carlo simulations are implemented.

Version: 0.8.2
Depends: R (≥ 4.3.0), MASS
Published: 2024-01-21
Author: Christian Blötner
Maintainer: Christian Blötner <c.bloetner at gmail.com>
License: GPL-2 | GPL-3 [expanded from: GPL (≥ 2)]
NeedsCompilation: no
CRAN checks: diffcor results


Reference manual: diffcor.pdf


Package source: diffcor_0.8.2.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-prerel: diffcor_0.8.2.zip, r-release: diffcor_0.8.2.zip, r-oldrel: diffcor_0.7.2.zip
macOS binaries: r-prerel (arm64): diffcor_0.8.2.tgz, r-release (arm64): diffcor_0.8.2.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): diffcor_0.7.2.tgz, r-prerel (x86_64): diffcor_0.8.2.tgz, r-release (x86_64): diffcor_0.8.2.tgz
Old sources: diffcor archive


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