Environmental Exposure JSON-LD

Leean Jo, Laura S. Bruckman, Roger H. French


Environmental Exposure JSON-LD Description

This json-ld template is used to address multiple environmental stressors that result in material degradation.

It includes three different degradation processes in addition to a synergy effect.

Creating JSON-LD for Environmental Exposure in R


# An example data frame for Environmental Exposure
environmentalExposure <- data.frame(
  'temperature' = c('80', '60'),
  'relativeHumidity' = c('85', '85')

# This will generate JSON-LD file for the example data
output <- fairify_data(environmentalExposure, domain = 'environmentalExposure', saveLocal = TRUE)

Creating JSON-LD for Environmental Exposure in Python

from fairmaterials.fairify_data import *
import pandas as pd

# An example data frame for Environmental Exposure
environmentalExposure = pd.DataFrame({
  'temperature': ['80', '60'],
  'relativeHumidity': ['85', '85']

# This will generate JSON-LD file for the example data
output <- fairify_data(environmentalExposure, domain = 'environmentalExposure')

Environmental Exposure schema diagram

Environmental Exposure schema diagram

Environmental Exposure schema diagram