To cite qgraph in publications use:

Epskamp S, Juliette R, Giulio C, Perugini, Marco, F S (2015). “Should we stop looking for a better scoring algorithm for handling Implicit Association Test data? Test of the role of errors, extreme latencies treatment, scoring formula, and practice trials on reliability and validity.” PLoS one, 10(6), e0129601.

Corresponding BibTeX entry:

    title = {Should we stop looking for a better scoring algorithm for
      handling Implicit Association Test data? Test of the role of
      errors, extreme latencies treatment, scoring formula, and
      practice trials on reliability and validity},
    author = {Sacha Epskamp and Richetin Juliette and Costantini Giulio
      and {Perugini} and {Marco} and Schonbrodt F},
    journal = {PLoS one},
    year = {2015},
    volume = {10},
    number = {6},
    pages = {e0129601},
    url = {},