--- title: "Combined or independent SuperCell runs for different samples" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Combined or independent SuperCell runs for different samples} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", fig.path = "figures/", fig.width = 6, fig.height = 6, eval = FALSE ) ``` Comparing a combined (i.e., processing samples together) and an independent (i.e., processing samples separately) construction of metacells with *SuperCell* (related to @daskelly question https://github.com/GfellerLab/SuperCell/issues/11#issuecomment-1090916447). ```{r package and data loading} library(SuperCell) library(Matrix) data(cell_lines) GE <- cell_lines$GE cell.meta <- cell_lines$meta ``` ```{r parameters} gamma <- 20 # graining level n.pc <- 10 # number of PCs ``` To compare results, we use 2 samples that correspond to two different cancer cell lines (data from [Tian et al., 2019](https://doi.org/10.1038/s41592-019-0425-8)) ```{r two samples} cell.idx.HCC827 <- which(cell.meta == "HCC827") cell.idx.H838 <- which(cell.meta == "H838") ``` ## A combined analysis -- construction of metacells processing two samples together ```{r combined scimplify} SC.HCC827.H838 <- SCimplify( GE[,c(cell.idx.HCC827, cell.idx.H838)], # log-normalized gene expression matrix gamma = gamma, # graining level cell.split.condition = cell.meta[c(cell.idx.HCC827, cell.idx.H838)], # metacell do not mix cells from different cell lines n.pc = n.pc) # number of proncipal components to use genes.use <- SC.HCC827.H838$genes.use SC.HCC827.H838$cell.line <- supercell_assign(cell.meta[c(cell.idx.HCC827, cell.idx.H838)], supercell_membership = SC.HCC827.H838$membership) SC.GE.HCC827.H838 <- supercell_GE(GE[,c(cell.idx.HCC827, cell.idx.H838)], groups = SC.HCC827.H838$membership) SC.HCC827.H838$SC_PCA <- supercell_prcomp( Matrix::t(SC.GE.HCC827.H838), supercell_size = SC.HCC827.H838$supercell_size, genes.use = genes.use) SC.HCC827.H838$SC_UMAP <- supercell_UMAP( SC.HCC827.H838, n_neighbors = 10) supercell_plot_UMAP( SC.HCC827.H838, group = "cell.line", title = paste0("Combined construction of HCC827 and H838 metacells") ) ``` ## Independent analysis -- construction of metacells for each sample independently (applying the same granularity `gamma` and the same set of features `genes.use`) ```{r independent scimplify} SC.HCC827 <- SCimplify(GE[,cell.idx.HCC827], # log-normalized gene expression matrix gamma = gamma, # graining level n.pc = n.pc, # number of proncipal components to use genes.use = genes.use) # using the same set of genes as for the combined analysis SC.HCC827$cell.line <- supercell_assign(cell.meta[cell.idx.HCC827], supercell_membership = SC.HCC827$membership) SC.H838 <- SCimplify(GE[,cell.idx.H838], # log-normalized gene expression matrix gamma = gamma, # graining level n.pc = n.pc, # number of proncipal components to use genes.use = genes.use) # using the same set of genes as for the combined analysis SC.H838$cell.line <- supercell_assign(cell.meta[cell.idx.H838], supercell_membership = SC.H838$membership) SC.merged <- supercell_merge(list(SC.HCC827, SC.H838), fields = c("cell.line")) # compute metacell gene expression for SC.HCC827 SC.GE.HCC827 <- supercell_GE(GE[, cell.idx.HCC827], groups = SC.HCC827$membership) # compute metacell gene expression for SC.H838 SC.GE.H838 <- supercell_GE(GE[, cell.idx.H838], groups = SC.H838$membership) # merge GE matricies SC.GE.merged <- supercell_mergeGE(list(SC.GE.HCC827, SC.GE.H838)) SC.merged$SC_PCA <- supercell_prcomp( Matrix::t(SC.GE.merged), supercell_size = SC.merged$supercell_size, genes.use = genes.use) SC.merged$SC_UMAP <- supercell_UMAP( SC.merged, n_neighbors = 10) g <- supercell_plot_UMAP( SC.merged, group = "cell.line", title = paste0("Independent construction of HCC827 and H838 metacells") ) ``` ## Combined and independent analyses do not result in the same metacell construction. As the dimensionality reductions (even on the same set of features) are different for the combined (*HCC827*+*H838*) dataset and for the independent (*HCC827* and *H838* separately) datasets. The first PCA basen on *global* variability between two cell lines and the PCAs from the second approach represent *local* variability within each cell line. (sample). ```{r heatmap metacell membership} heatmap(as.matrix(table(SC.merged$membership, SC.HCC827.H838$membership)), scale = "none") ``` Metacell size distribution ```{r size distribution} summary(SC.merged$supercell_size) summary(SC.HCC827.H838$supercell_size) ``` Also, in the combined analysis, the graining level does not mean that each cell line (or sample) will have this particular graining level. For instance, in the combined analysis, the graining level for *HCC827* is `18.6` and for *H838* is `21.8`, but this difference might be even more prominent if the heterogeneity and complexity of two samples are more different. ```{r combined vs independent analysis} ## Combined analysis # actual graining level for H838 cell line length(cell.idx.H838)/sum(SC.HCC827.H838$cell.line == "H838") # actual graining level for H838 cell line length(cell.idx.HCC827)/sum(SC.HCC827.H838$cell.line == "HCC827") ## Independent analysis # actual graining level for H838 cell line length(cell.idx.H838)/sum(SC.merged$cell.line == "H838") # actual graining level for HCC827 cell line length(cell.idx.HCC827)/sum(SC.merged$cell.line == "HCC827") # actual overall graining level in the combined analysis length(SC.merged$membership)/max(SC.merged$membership) ```