# analogue News ## Version 1.18-0 **Not yet released** * `distance()` gains new method `"metric.mixed"`, which is a modification of existing method `"mixed"` except that ordinal variables are now converted to ranks and handled as quantitative variables in Gower's mixed coefficient. * `distance()` method `"mixed"` now also handles ordinal data via the extensions to Gower's general distance coefficient in Podani (1999, *Taxon* **48**, 331--340). * Both changes were improved by discussions with, and new code and fixes to my buggy C code by, Jari Oksanen. See Issue #15. ## Version 0.17-6 * Fixes for CRAN related to digits in printed output. ## Version 0.17-5 * Fixes for CRAN ## Version 0.17-4 * Fixes for CRAN ## Version 0.17-3 * Fix keywords in `weightedCor()`. ## Version 0.17-2 * `V12.122` The data were stored as proportions but treated as percentages in examples. To better match the `ImbrieKipp` training set, `V12.122` was converted to percentages. Reported by Richard Telford #22. ## Version 0.17-1 * `prcurve` modified to use package **princurve** version >= 2.0.2. * `join()` had a serious bug that caused the columns to be labelled incorrectly when a `type = "left"`join was used, if the columns weren't in the same order in the data frames to be merged. Issue #16 * `Stratiplot()` gained argument `labelValues`, which allows for custom labelling of variables in a plot. A vector of expressions can be supplied for fancy labelling such as that required for isotopes, equations, sub/superscripts, greek characters, etc. * The `Climate` data set had incorrectly-named columns and was missing some variables. The NAMPD is now updated to version 1.7-3 and the name and missing data issues have been fixed. Reported by Simon Goring in Issue #17. ## Version 1.17-0 * `Stratiplot()` now draws a plot on the current device and returns a `"trellis"` object *invisibly*. This fixes #13 and prevents a blank page being drawn in devices such as `pdf()`. * `Stratiplot()` now handles a matrix as argument `x` via an S3 method for class `"matrix"`. * `tran()` add a `"none"` transformation which just returns its input. This is useful if you are writing code and comparing transformations and need to temporarily turn them off.