R packages have many advantages, primarily allowing for easy sharing and documentation of code and ensuring code follows standardised conventions. Although R packages are more user friendly than a collection of functions, they still require the user to have a working knowledge of R something which most experts will not have.

As noted by (Mikkola et al. 2023), there is a need for tools which can embed the elicitation of expert opinion within the statistical workflow. One such tool is Shiny, an open-source R package that provides an elegant and powerful web framework for building web applications using R. Shiny can turn analyses conducted by R into interactive web applications without requiring HTML, CSS, or JavaScript knowledge (Chang et al. 2023).

Learning how to interact with a webpage should be a much simpler task for experts and health economists not familiar with R. Furthermore, we can leverage R Markdown to create reproducible reports of the relevant outputs of the \(\texttt{expertsurv}\) package in formats such as PDF, HTML and Word.

The tutorial below provides an overview of the steps required to elicit expert opinion on the survival at a timepoint of 20 months and incorporate these beliefs with survival data. To begin we simply run the following function \(\texttt{elicit_surv}()\) which will open up a webpage.

In Figure 1 we have the following steps to upload the data:

Upload data and generate Kaplan-Meier plot

Figure 1: Upload data and generate Kaplan-Meier plot

In Figure 2 we have the following steps to elicit the expert’s opinions:

Once these steps are complete, we click the ‘’Plot/Update Survival Curves and Expert Opinions’’ button.

Expert beliefs about survival at 20 months

Figure 2: Expert beliefs about survival at 20 months

In Figure 2 we have the following steps to run the analysis:

Running statistical analysis

Figure 3: Running statistical analysis

Results generated from the Markdown file

Figure 4: Results generated from the Markdown file


Chang, Winston, Joe Cheng, JJ Allaire, Carson Sievert, Barret Schloerke, Yihui Xie, Jeff Allen, Jonathan McPherson, Alan Dipert, and Barbara Borges. 2023. Shiny: Web Application Framework for r.” https://shiny.posit.co/.
Mikkola, Petrus, Osvaldo A. Martin, Suyog Chandramouli, Marcelo Hartmann, Oriol Abril Pla, Owen Thomas, Henri Pesonen, et al. 2023. Prior Knowledge Elicitation: The Past, Present, and Future.” Bayesian Analysis, 1–33. https://doi.org/10.1214/23-BA1381.