
This tutorial shows how to fit historical control-group borrowing models using the historicalborrow package.

0.1 Data

historicalborrow expects data on multiple patients partitioned into studies and groups. Here is a simulated example. There are functions to simulate from the prior predictive distribution of each of the hierarchical, mixture, independent, and pooled models.

data <- hb_sim_independent(
  n_continuous = 1,
  n_study = 3,
  n_group = 2,
  alpha = rep(1, 3),
  delta = 0.5,
  sigma = rep(1, 3),
  n_patient = 100
)$data %>%
    outcome = response,
    trial = study,
    arm = group,
    subject = patient,
    factor1 = covariate_study1_continuous1,
    factor2 = covariate_study2_continuous1
  ) %>%
    trial = paste0("trial", trial),
    arm = paste0("arm", arm),
    subject = paste0("subject", subject)
#> # A tibble: 400 × 7
#>    trial  arm   subject    factor1 factor2 covariate_study3_continuous1 outcome
#>    <chr>  <chr> <chr>        <dbl>   <dbl>                        <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1 trial1 arm1  subject1   1.27          0                            0  3.31  
#>  2 trial1 arm1  subject2   0.415         0                            0  3.23  
#>  3 trial1 arm1  subject3  -1.54          0                            0 -3.08  
#>  4 trial1 arm1  subject4  -0.929         0                            0 -0.623 
#>  5 trial1 arm1  subject5  -0.295         0                            0  2.33  
#>  6 trial1 arm1  subject6  -0.00577       0                            0  1.12  
#>  7 trial1 arm1  subject7   2.40          0                            0  5.88  
#>  8 trial1 arm1  subject8   0.764         0                            0  2.69  
#>  9 trial1 arm1  subject9  -0.799         0                            0 -0.0117
#> 10 trial1 arm1  subject10 -1.15          0                            0  0.261 
#> # … with 390 more rows
#> # ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows

You as the user will choose a reference level of the study column to indicate which study is the current one (the other are historical). Likewise, you will choose a level of the group column to indicate which group is the control group. To see how historicalborrow assigns numeric indexes to the study and group levels, use hb_data(). Viewing this output may assist with interpreting the results later on.

standardized_data <- hb_data(
  data = data,
  response = "outcome",
  study = "trial",
  study_reference = "trial3",
  group = "arm",
  group_reference = "arm1",
  patient = "subject",
  covariates = c("factor1", "factor2")
#> # A tibble: 400 × 9
#>    response study_label group_label patien…¹ study group patient covar…² covar…³
#>       <dbl> <chr>       <chr>       <chr>    <int> <int>   <int>   <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1    3.31  trial1      arm1        subject1     1     1       1   1.27        0
#>  2    0.261 trial1      arm1        subject…     1     1       2  -1.15        0
#>  3    1.81  trial1      arm1        subject…     1     1       3  -0.616       0
#>  4   -1.21  trial1      arm1        subject…     1     1      13  -0.289       0
#>  5    0.236 trial1      arm1        subject…     1     1      24  -0.299       0
#>  6    1.02  trial1      arm1        subject…     1     1      35  -0.412       0
#>  7    2.72  trial1      arm1        subject…     1     1      46   0.252       0
#>  8    0.485 trial1      arm1        subject…     1     1      57  -0.892       0
#>  9    1.83  trial1      arm1        subject…     1     1      68   0.436       0
#> 10    0.357 trial1      arm1        subject…     1     1      79  -1.24        0
#> # … with 390 more rows, and abbreviated variable names ¹​patient_label,
#> #   ²​covariate_factor1, ³​covariate_factor2
#> # ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows
) %>%
#> # A tibble: 4 × 4
#>   study study_label group group_label
#>   <int> <chr>       <int> <chr>      
#> 1     1 trial1          1 arm1       
#> 2     2 trial2          1 arm1       
#> 3     3 trial3          1 arm1       
#> 4     3 trial3          2 arm2

0.2 Models

The pooled and independent models are benchmarks used to quantify the borrowing strength of the hierarchical and mixture models. To run these benchmark models, run the functions below. Each function returns a data frame with one column per parameter and one row per posterior sample.

mcmc_pool <- hb_mcmc_pool(
  data = data,
  response = "outcome",
  study = "trial",
  study_reference = "trial3",
  group = "arm",
  group_reference = "arm1",
  patient = "subject",
  # Can be continuous, categorical, or binary columns:
  covariates = c("factor1", "factor2"),
  # Raise these arguments for serious analyses:
  n_chains = 4,
  n_adapt = 2e3,
  n_warmup = 2e3,
  n_iterations = 4e3

#> # A tibble: 16,000 × 10
#>    alpha `beta[1]` `beta[2]`  delta sigma…¹ sigma…² sigma…³ .chain .iter…⁴ .draw
#>    <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>  <int>   <int> <int>
#>  1 0.951      1.31  -0.174   0.313     1.07   1.02     1.66      1       1     1
#>  2 0.822      1.41  -0.0920  0.0491    1.09   0.895    1.72      1       2     2
#>  3 0.908      1.33  -0.216   0.345     1.05   0.934    1.72      1       3     3
#>  4 0.956      1.43  -0.118   0.229     1.00   0.944    1.72      1       4     4
#>  5 0.977      1.20  -0.170   0.572     1.06   0.996    1.70      1       5     5
#>  6 0.983      1.42  -0.0678  0.230     1.06   1.06     1.71      1       6     6
#>  7 1.02       1.38   0.0449  0.141     1.14   1.03     1.94      1       7     7
#>  8 0.909      1.34   0.00974 0.833     1.11   1.06     1.78      1       8     8
#>  9 0.817      1.30  -0.0706  0.275     1.40   0.967    1.78      1       9     9
#> 10 1.03       1.42  -0.288   0.162     1.33   0.927    1.75      1      10    10
#> # … with 15,990 more rows, and abbreviated variable names ¹​`sigma[1]`,
#> #   ²​`sigma[2]`, ³​`sigma[3]`, ⁴​.iteration
#> # ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows
mcmc_independent <- hb_mcmc_independent(
  data = data,
  response = "outcome",
  study = "trial",
  study_reference = "trial3",
  group = "arm",
  group_reference = "arm1",
  patient = "subject",
  # Can be continuous, categorical, or binary columns:
  covariates = c("factor1", "factor2"),
  # Raise these arguments for serious analyses:
  n_chains = 4,
  n_adapt = 2e3,
  n_warmup = 2e3,
  n_iterations = 4e3

The hierarchical model works best if the number of historical studies is large. For a small number of historical studies, it may be necessary to choose a value of s_tau to approximate the prior amount of borrowing given a desired precision ratio and supposed residual variance. See the function hb_s_tau() for an initial value to explore. It is not recommended to entirely rely on hb_s_tau(), but it does give a benchmark to aid in the thinking.

mcmc_hierarchical <- hb_mcmc_hierarchical(
  data = data,
  response = "outcome",
  study = "trial",
  study_reference = "trial3",
  group = "arm",
  group_reference = "arm1",
  patient = "subject",
  # Can be continuous, categorical, or binary columns:
  covariates = c("factor1", "factor2"),
  # Raise these arguments for serious analyses:
  n_chains = 4,
  n_adapt = 2e3,
  n_warmup = 2e3,
  n_iterations = 4e3

For the mixture model, it is first necessary to use the simple model to get prior mixture components.

hyperparameters <- hb_mcmc_mixture_hyperparameters(
  data = data,
  response = "outcome",
  study = "trial",
  study_reference = "trial3",
  group = "arm",
  group_reference = "arm1",
  patient = "subject"
#> # A tibble: 3 × 4
#>   study  study_index m_omega s_omega
#>   <chr>        <int>   <dbl>   <dbl>
#> 1 trial1           1   0.982  0.177 
#> 2 trial2           2   0.892  0.0975
#> 3 trial3           3   0     30

Then, using just the data from the current study, run the mixture model with the hyperparameters above.

data_mixture <- dplyr::filter(data, trial == "trial3")
mcmc_mixture <- hb_mcmc_mixture(
  data = data_mixture, # only analyze current study
  response = "outcome",
  study = "trial",
  study_reference = "trial3",
  group = "arm",
  group_reference = "arm1",
  patient = "subject",
  # Can be continuous, categorical, or binary columns:
  covariates = c("factor1", "factor2"),
  # Prior mixture components:
  m_omega = hyperparameters$m_omega,
  s_omega = hyperparameters$s_omega,
  p_omega = rep(1 / nrow(hyperparameters), nrow(hyperparameters)),
  # Raise these arguments for serious analyses:
  n_chains = 4,
  n_adapt = 2e3,
  n_warmup = 2e3,
  n_iterations = 4e3

0.3 Convergence

It is important to check convergence diagnostics on each model. The hb_convergence() function returns data frame of summarized convergence diagnostics. max_rhat is the maximum univariate Gelman/Rubin potential scale reduction factor over all the parameters of the model, min_ess_bulk is the minimum bulk effective sample size over the parameters, and min_ess_tail is the minimum tail effective sample size. max_rhat should be below 1.01, and the ESS metrics should both be above 100 times the number of MCMC chains. If any of these conditions are not true, the MCMC did not converge, and it is recommended to try running the model for more saved iterations (and if max_rhat is high, possibly more warmup iterations).

#> # A tibble: 1 × 3
#>   max_rhat min_ess_bulk min_ess_tail
#>      <dbl>        <dbl>        <dbl>
#> 1     1.02         312.         172.

0.4 Results

Each model can be summarized with the hb_summary() function. The output is a table with few rows and many columns.

summary_hierarchical <- hb_summary(
  mcmc = mcmc_hierarchical,
  data = data,
  response = "outcome",
  study = "trial",
  study_reference = "trial3",
  group = "arm",
  group_reference = "arm1",
  patient = "subject",
  covariates = c("factor1", "factor2"),
  eoi = c(0, 1),
  direction = c(">", "<")
#> # A tibble: 2 × 40
#>   group group_la…¹ data_n data_N data_…² data_…³ data_…⁴ data_…⁵ data_…⁶ data_…⁷
#>   <dbl> <chr>       <int>  <int>   <int>   <int>   <int>   <int>   <int>   <int>
#> 1     1 arm1          300    300     100     100     100     100     100     100
#> 2     2 arm2          100    100       0       0     100       0       0     100
#> # … with 30 more variables: data_mean <dbl>, data_sd <dbl>, data_lower <dbl>,
#> #   data_upper <dbl>, response_mean <dbl>, response_variance <dbl>,
#> #   response_sd <dbl>, response_lower <dbl>, response_upper <dbl>,
#> #   response_mean_mcse <dbl>, response_sd_mcse <dbl>,
#> #   response_lower_mcse <dbl>, response_upper_mcse <dbl>, diff_mean <dbl>,
#> #   diff_lower <dbl>, diff_upper <dbl>, diff_mean_mcse <dbl>,
#> #   diff_lower_mcse <dbl>, diff_upper_mcse <dbl>, `P(diff > 0)` <dbl>, …
#> # ℹ Use `colnames()` to see all variable names

hb_summary() returns a tidy data frame with one row per group (e.g. treatment arm) and the columns in the following list. Unless otherwise specified, the quantities are calculated at the group level. Some are calculated for the current (non-historical) study only, while others pertain to the combined dataset which includes all historical studies. The mixture model is an exception because the data argument only includes the current study, so other quantities that include historical information will need to borrow from an hb_summary() call on one of the other models.

0.5 Borrowing metrics

The hb_metrics() function shows borrowing metrics like the mean shift ratio and variance shift ratio which require input from benchmark models. The mean shift ratio and variance shift ratio are defined in the methods vignette. Below, we compute these metrics on the hierarchical model.

summary_pool <- hb_summary(
  mcmc = mcmc_pool,
  data = data,
  response = "outcome",
  study = "trial",
  study_reference = "trial3",
  group = "arm",
  group_reference = "arm1",
  patient = "subject",
  covariates = c("factor1", "factor2")

summary_independent <- hb_summary(
  mcmc = mcmc_independent,
  data = data,
  response = "outcome",
  study = "trial",
  study_reference = "trial3",
  group = "arm",
  group_reference = "arm1",
  patient = "subject",
  covariates = c("factor1", "factor2")

  borrow = summary_hierarchical,
  pool = summary_pool,
  independent = summary_independent
#> # A tibble: 1 × 2
#>   mean_shift_ratio variance_shift_ratio
#>              <dbl>                <dbl>
#> 1            0.495                0.411

Usage with the mixture model is the same.

summary_mixture <- hb_summary(
  mcmc = mcmc_mixture,
  data = data_mixture,
  response = "outcome",
  study = "trial",
  study_reference = "trial3",
  group = "arm",
  group_reference = "arm1",
  patient = "subject",
  covariates = c("factor1", "factor2")

  borrow = summary_mixture,
  pool = summary_pool,
  independent = summary_independent
#> # A tibble: 1 × 2
#>   mean_shift_ratio variance_shift_ratio
#>              <dbl>                <dbl>
#> 1            0.726                0.631

0.6 Plots

The hb_plot_borrow() function visualizes the results from a borrowing model (either hierarchical or mixture) against the benchmark models (independent and pooled) to gain intuition about the overall effect of borrowing on estimation.

  borrow = summary_hierarchical,
  pool = summary_pool,
  independent = summary_independent

  borrow = summary_mixture,
  pool = summary_pool,
  independent = summary_independent

hb_plot_group() shows the same information but grouped by the group designations in the data (e.g. treatment arm).

  borrow = summary_mixture,
  pool = summary_pool,
  independent = summary_independent

For the hierarchical model, we can plot the marginal posterior of the tau parameter to see the influence of the uniform prior upper bound. If the probability mass of \(\tau\) builds up against the uniform upper bound, then the estimated hierarchical variance may be larger than assumed, and should indicate that the algorithm wants to borrow less. If the probability mass of \(\tau\) is concentrated on the left, towards 0, then this may indicate that the data suggests borrowing and the uniform prior upper bound has little effect on the model estimates.
