
Eunseop Kim

All the tests were done on an Arch Linux x86_64 machine with an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU (1.90GHz).

Empirical likelihood computation

We show the performance of computing empirical likelihood with el_mean(). We test the computation speed with simulated data sets in two different settings: 1) the number of observations increases with the number of parameters fixed, and 2) the number of parameters increases with the number of observations fixed.

Increasing the number of observations

We fix the number of parameters at \(p = 10\), and simulate the parameter value and \(n \times p\) matrices using rnorm(). In order to ensure convergence with a large \(n\), we set a large threshold value using el_control().

p <- 10
par <- rnorm(p, sd = 0.1)
ctrl <- el_control(th = 1e+10)
result <- microbenchmark(
  n1e2 = el_mean(matrix(rnorm(100 * p), ncol = p), par = par, control = ctrl),
  n1e3 = el_mean(matrix(rnorm(1000 * p), ncol = p), par = par, control = ctrl),
  n1e4 = el_mean(matrix(rnorm(10000 * p), ncol = p), par = par, control = ctrl),
  n1e5 = el_mean(matrix(rnorm(100000 * p), ncol = p), par = par, control = ctrl)

Below are the results:

#> Unit: microseconds
#>  expr        min          lq        mean      median         uq        max
#>  n1e2    503.713    609.8135    771.2386    658.3025    726.140   4645.336
#>  n1e3   1324.759   1679.4945   2106.1974   1905.6315   2175.271   5542.645
#>  n1e4  12075.252  16136.9870  20045.2995  18520.0205  21594.306  81975.030
#>  n1e5 280937.762 313638.9725 385689.8809 377507.4770 436510.570 650410.745
#>  neval cld
#>    100 a  
#>    100 a  
#>    100  b 
#>    100   c

Increasing the number of parameters

This time we fix the number of observations at \(n = 1000\), and evaluate empirical likelihood at zero vectors of different sizes.

n <- 1000
result2 <- microbenchmark(
  p5 = el_mean(matrix(rnorm(n * 5), ncol = 5),
    par = rep(0, 5),
    control = ctrl
  p25 = el_mean(matrix(rnorm(n * 25), ncol = 25),
    par = rep(0, 25),
    control = ctrl
  p100 = el_mean(matrix(rnorm(n * 100), ncol = 100),
    par = rep(0, 100),
    control = ctrl
  p400 = el_mean(matrix(rnorm(n * 400), ncol = 400),
    par = rep(0, 400),
    control = ctrl
#> Unit: microseconds
#>  expr        min         lq       mean     median         uq        max neval
#>    p5    807.581    951.818   1229.734   1049.581   1246.138   5289.128   100
#>   p25   3071.042   3425.274   5518.968   3677.548   4428.983 148454.424   100
#>  p100  23622.538  29848.198  36246.281  34209.567  39206.094  80478.561   100
#>  p400 276307.446 342264.559 417515.948 377826.551 458871.338 911453.001   100
#>  cld
#>  a  
#>  a  
#>   b 
#>    c

On average, evaluating empirical likelihood with a 100000×10 or 1000×400 matrix at a parameter value satisfying the convex hull constraint takes less than a second.