Use Case 2 - Processing stream chemistry data for the LTER Luquillo site

Julien Brun, Mitchell Maier, Irene Steves and Kristen Peach, NCEAS



This vignette aims to showcase a use case using the 2 main functions of metajam - download_d1_data and read_d1_files using a data processing workflow developed by the NCO synthesis working group Stream Elemental Cycling.

The datasets used are from the LTER site - Luquillo and can be found in the PASTA data repository This data package is a collection of 8 datasets of stream water samples from 8 different locations of the Luquillo Mountains.

Our goal is to read the data for the 8 different sampling sites and aggregate them into one harmonized dataset. We will use the metadata to check if the data structures and units are the same across the 8 different sampling sites before performing the aggregation.



# For wrangling the data


# Download the data from DataONE on your local machine
data_folder <- "Data_SEC"

# Ammonium to Ammoniacal-nitrogen conversion. We will use this conversion later.
coeff_conv_NH4_to_NH4N <- 0.7764676534

Download the datasets

# Create the local directory to store datasets
dir.create(data_folder, showWarnings = FALSE)

# Get the datasets unique identifiers
test_datasets_listing <- read_csv(system.file("extdata", "LTER-SEC_DatasetsListing_SearchedData.csv", package = "metajam"))

# Keep only the LUQ related datasets
luq_test_datasets <- test_datasets_listing %>%
  filter(grepl("LUQ", .$`LTER site abbreviation`)) %>%
  select(`LTER site abbreviation`,
         `Data Repository (PASTA) URL to Archive/Metadata`,
         `Data Repository (PASTA) URL to File`,
         `Data Repository (PASTA) Filename`) %>%
  na.omit() %>%
  arrange(`Data Repository (PASTA) Filename`) # sort the data sets alphabetically

## Batch download the datasets

# the tidiest way
local_datasets <- map(luq_test_datasets$`Data Repository (PASTA) URL to File`, ~download_d1_data(.x, data_folder))

# the apply way
# local_datasets <- lapply(luq_test_datasets$`Data Repository (PASTA) URL to File`, download_d1_data, data_folder)

# the map way
# local_datasets <- map(luq_test_datasets$`Data Repository (PASTA) URL to File`, function(x) {download_d1_data(x, data_folder)})

At this point, you should have all the data and the metadata downloaded inside your main directory; Data_SEC in this example. metajam organize the files as follow:

Read the data and metadata in your R environment

# You could list the datasets dowloaded in the `Data_SEC` folder 
# local_datasets <- dir(data_folder, full.names = TRUE)

# or you can directly use the outputed paths from download_d1_data 
# Read all the datasets and their associated metadata in as a named list
luq_datasets <- map(local_datasets, read_d1_files) %>% 
  set_names(map(., ~.x$summary_metadata$value[.x$summary_metadata$name == "File_Name"]))

Perform checks on data structure

Is the data structure the same across sampling sites (datasets)? For example, do the datasets all have the same column names?

# list all the attributes
attributes_luq <- luq_datasets %>% map("data") %>% map(colnames)

# Check if they are identical by comparing all against the first site
for(ds in names(attributes_luq)) {
  print(identical(attributes_luq[[1]], attributes_luq[[ds]]))

#> => We are good, same data structure across the sampling sites


Perform checks on the units

Is data reported in identical units? For example, in every dataset is CI reported in microgramsPerLiter?

# List all the units used
luq_units <- luq_datasets %>% map("attribute_metadata") %>% map(~.[["unit"]])

# Check if they are identical by comparing all against the first site
for(us in names(luq_units)) {
  print(identical(luq_units[[1]], luq_units[[us]]))

#>!!! => The 2 last datasets have different units!!!!!!!!!!

# Let's check the differences
luq_units_merged <- luq_datasets %>%
  map("attribute_metadata") %>%
  map(. %>% select(attributeName, unit)) %>%
  reduce(full_join, by = "attributeName") 

## Rename
# Create the new names
luq_new_colnames <- names(luq_units) %>%
  str_split("[.]") %>%
  map(~.[1]) %>%
  paste("unit", ., sep = "_")

# Apply the new names
colnames(luq_units_merged) <- c("attributeName", luq_new_colnames)


Fixing units discrepancies

# fix attribute naming discrepancies -- to be improved 
# Copy the units for Gage height
luq_units_merged <- luq_units_merged %>% 
  mutate(unit_RioIcacos = ifelse(attributeName == "Gage_Ht", "foot", unit_RioIcacos),
         unit_RioMameyesPuenteRoto = ifelse(attributeName == "Gage_Ht", "foot", unit_RioMameyesPuenteRoto))

# Copy the units for NH4
luq_units_merged <- luq_units_merged %>% 
  mutate(unit_RioIcacos = ifelse(attributeName == "NH4-N", "microgramsPerLiter", unit_RioIcacos),
         unit_RioMameyesPuenteRoto = ifelse(attributeName == "NH4-N", "microgramsPerLiter", unit_RioMameyesPuenteRoto))

# drop the 2 last rows
luq_units_merged <- head(luq_units_merged, -2)

### Implement the unit conversion for RioIcacos and RioMameyesPuenteRoto ----

# Simplify naming
RioIcacos_data <- luq_datasets$RioIcacos$data
RioIcacos_attrmeta <- luq_datasets$RioIcacos$attribute_metadata

## RioIcacos
# Fix NAs. In this dataset "-9999" is the missing value code. So we need to replace those with NAs
RioIcacos_data <- na_if(RioIcacos_data, "-9999")

# Do the unit conversion  

#Check to see if you can use the udunits package to convert feet to meters

ud.are.convertible("foot", "meter")

#TRUE, so we can use udunits to do the conversion

# Do the unit conversion in both the data file and the attributes file  - Gage height - udunits way

RioIcacos_data$Gage_Ht <- ud.convert(RioIcacos_data$Gage_Ht, "foot", "meter")

RioIcacos_attrmeta$unit <-  str_replace_all(RioIcacos_attrmeta$unit, pattern = "foot", replacement = "meter")

# If we could NOT use udunits to do the conversion we could do it manually this way 

#RioIcacos_data <- RioIcacos_data %>% mutate( `Gage_Ht` = `Gage_Ht`* 0.3048)

# Do the unit conversion for RioIcacos and RioMameyesPuenteRoto - NH4 to NH4-N

#Check to see if you can use udunits to convert the measurements you want to convert.

ud.are.convertible("NH4", "NH4-N")

#FALSE = Udunits cannot convert these units for us so we will manually convert using the input below

# Ammonium to Ammoniacal-nitrogen conversion
coeff_conv_NH4_to_NH4N <- 0.7764676534

# Unit conversion for RioIcacos and RioMameyesPuenteRoto - NH4 to NH4-N
RioIcacos_data <- RioIcacos_data %>% mutate( `NH4-N` = `NH4-N`* coeff_conv_NH4_to_NH4N)

# Update the main object 
luq_datasets$RioIcacos$data <- RioIcacos_data

## RioMameyesPuenteRoto

# Simplify naming
RioMameyesPuenteRoto_data <- luq_datasets$RioMameyesPuenteRoto$data
RioMameyesPuenteRoto_attrmeta <- luq_datasets$RioMameyesPuenteRoto$attribute_metadata

#Replace all cells with the missing value code ("-9999") with "NA"
RioMameyesPuenteRoto_data <- na_if(RioMameyesPuenteRoto_data, "-9999")

#Tidy version of unit conversion 

RioMameyesPuenteRoto_data$Gage_Ht <- ud.convert(RioMameyesPuenteRoto_data$Gage_Ht, "foot", "meter")
RioMameyesPuenteRoto_attrmeta$unit <-  str_replace_all (RioMameyesPuenteRoto_attrmeta$unit, pattern = "foot", replacement = "meter")

# Do the unit conversion for RioMameyesPuenteRoto - NH4 to NH4-N (recall that we cannot use udunits for this so we are doing it manually)

#In this dataset the NH4-N column is actually empty, so this is not necessary. But here is how you would do it if you had to.

RioMameyesPuenteRoto_data <- RioMameyesPuenteRoto_data %>% mutate( `NH4-N` = `NH4-N`* coeff_conv_NH4_to_NH4N)

# Update the main object
luq_datasets$RioMameyesPuenteRoto$data <- RioMameyesPuenteRoto_data 


Append all the sampling sites into one master dataset

# bind the sampling sites data into one master dataset for LUQ
all_sites_luq <- luq_datasets %>%
  map("data") %>% 
  bind_rows(.id = "prov")

# Replace -9999 with NAs
all_sites_luq <- na_if(all_sites_luq, "-9999")

# Write as csv
write_csv(all_sites_luq, "stream_chem_all_LUQ.csv")

General Conclusion