## ----setup, include=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, fig.path = "./../man/figures/README-") ## ----intro-------------------------------------------------------------------- library(rapidsplithalf) data(foodAAT) data(raceIAT) ## ----singlediff--------------------------------------------------------------- rel<- rapidsplit(data=foodAAT, subjvar="subjectid", # Subject identifier diffvars="is_pull", # The variable indicating the two conditions that need to be subtracted from each other stratvars="stimid", # splits are stratified by stimulus ID such that each half features a near-equal number of trials for each stimulus aggvar="RT", # Defining the variable to be aggregated aggfunc="means", # Method to aggregate each condition: simple means splits=5500) print(rel) ## ----plotter,fig.asp=1-------------------------------------------------------- plot(rel) ## ----plotter2,fig.asp=1------------------------------------------------------- plot(rel,type="all") ## ----doublediff--------------------------------------------------------------- rel2<- rapidsplit(data=foodAAT, subjvar="subjectid", # We specify 2 diffvars for a double-difference score diffvars=c("is_pull","is_target"), stratvars="stimid", aggvar="RT", # We specify the median here aggfunc="medians", splits=5500) print(rel2) ## ----iatrel,fig.asp=1--------------------------------------------------------- iatrel<- rapidsplit(data=raceIAT, subjvar="session_id", diffvars="congruent", # The subscorevar argument specifies that we want to compute # multiple scores for each participant, based on subsets of # their data, and then average the scores together # as is done in the IAT D-score. subscorevar="blocktype", aggvar="latency", splits=1000, # the errorhandling argument controls how error trials # are replaced with the block mean plus a penalty, # as is done in the IAT D-score. errorhandling=list(type="fixedpenalty", errorvar="error", fixedpenalty=600, blockvar="block_number"), # The standardize argument specifies that we want to # divide the person's score by the standard deviation of their # RTs, as in the IAT D-score. standardize=TRUE) print(iatrel) plot(iatrel,show.labels=FALSE)